Carburetor Rebuild Kit
There are many Carburetor Rebuild kits on the market. However, having used every possible kit configuration over the last 20 years we have found that this kit does in fact contain all the necessary parts to do the majority of the rebuild. We use these on every carb. we rebuild in house.
Rebuilding the Hitachi carb. is not an easy animal to attack. We get asked about rebuild kits all the time and we have always been hesitant to sell them as we do not have the time or resources to field technical questions on your rebuild process or diagnose issues that you may have with rebuilding your carb or after completing your rebuild. We highly recommend that if you choose to take on this task that you either have on hand, or acquire a copy of the factory service manual (not Haynes manual) to help with your rebuild.
Rebuild Kit Contains:
- Needle Valve Assembly
- Plunger Assembly
- Adjust Screw
- Adjust Spring
- Main Jet, first
- Slow Jet, first
- Power Valve Assembly
- Power Jet
- Check Ball
- Rubber pump boot
- Air Horn Gasket
- Throttle Gasket
- Chamber Cover Gasket
- Diaphragm Gasket
- Pump Cover gasket
- Venturi holder gasket (x2)
- Small washer and clip set